Lake Lanier Fishing Report October 1st-6th, 2023

Lake Lanier Weekly Fishing Report

October 6, 2023

Water Level: 5.80 feet BELOW full pool and falling.

Water Temp: For most of the week, surface temperatures maxed out around 78/79 on Lowrance and 75/76 on Garmin. However, these temps will not hold moving forward. They will start to decline again starting Saturday, 7 October. Remember that shallow water will cool faster than deep water, and wind blown water will cool faster than still water.

Water Clarity: The clearest water is still on the main lake and in the mouths of the main lake creeks. There is some color in the very backs of the creeks and up the rivers.

I have been on Lanier each of the past 6 days. Fishing has varied from pretty good to a grind.

This week was all about moving baits that imitated the herring and small thread fin that the bass are starting to gorge themselves on. I focused on the top of the water column for 90% of my time of the water.

Two of the best producers this week were the Lanier Baits Jerk Shad and a Sebile. I am throwing both of these baits in the same areas. Long running points, shallow humps near the bank, and windblown rocky banks. I am focusing from the mouths of the major creeks to about 1/2 of the way back. At times I am focusing on brush, but the fish that I am catching are more oriented to the terrain and bait than brush piles.

For presentations, a medium-fast to fast retrieve has been best. I am looking for feeding fish that are waiting on bait to come by. This is not a pattern where I am staying in one place for any length of times. The bites I am getting are coming very quickly upon arriving in a location. If I do not get bit in short time or see fish to target on FFS; I’m moving. Maybe not to the next point, but I am keeping the boat moving until I get bit or I see something to keep me in that exact location.

Keep a look out for schooling fish and bait running across the surface. Both will give away the location of actively feeding fish that can be more easily targeted than fish hanging out in the tops of brush piles. This is where you have to find the balance between watching FFS and keeping you head on a swivel and paying attention to what is going on in the area(s) you are fishing.

In celebration of the start of my 3rd year guiding, I am giving each client that takes a trip between 14 September 2023 and 25 October 2023 a spool of CAST braid.

If you are looking for more detailed information on my trips over the past week, I publish a daily video covering the conditions, the where, the what, and how I caught fish each day I am on the water. You can sign up at

I am open Oct. 8, 9, 12-13, 16, 18-25.



#TritonBoats #advantageboatcenter #hammondsfishingcenter #LanierBaits #trixstercustombaits #stcroixrods #castfishingco #gillfishing #Spotchoker


Lake Lanier Fishing Report October 7th-13th, 2023


Lake Lanier Fishing Report September 16th-22nd, 2023